Serving all 5 boroughs of New York City, Westchester and Long Island: 516.775.9400 FreeConsult@Pensions.Law
Our Winning 3/4 Decisions
While most of our cases are resolved during the administrative process of the NYPD and FDNY pension systems, there are times when 3/4 pension cases are ultimately denied and must be litigated. These cases are never easy, because the burden of proof is the highest in all of civil practice, the time you are provided for retaining counsel and filing such lawsuits is the shortest in all of civil practice (just four months as opposed to three to six years for most other forms of civil litigation) and because the City has virtually limitless resources with which to defend such cases - frequently all the way through appeal. At Goldberg and McEnaney, however, we fight the city in court on 3/4 disability retirement cases exclusively, and constantly, with many dozens of such cases pending at all times.
Please take a moment to review the cases below for a survey of the types of 3/4 disability pension arguments we have prevailed upon in the past in both the lower and the apellate courts. Keep in mind that this is only a sample of the many different types of 3/4 disability cases we handle, and please call us if you do not see a decision on a case similar to yours.
Having litigated just about every conceivable type of 3/4 disability pension case over the past 45 years, it’s exceedingly rare to run into something we’ve never seen before, and we’re always happy to sit down and have a conversation with you about your 3/4 disability pension matter. Our consultations are always free.